I love my job, and feel extremely lucky to meet so many amazing couples and share in their special journeys!  Thank you to all my mummies and daddies who have let me be a small part of their magical journey, I am truly honoured.....here are some of the lovely kind words of thanks from some of our amazing HypnoBirthing™ family’s, and some of their inspiring birth stories we are very happy and privileged to share with you.  Enjoy Xx

Sonja and Andre’s Birth Story:

“Our daughter Amelia was born on March 24th via C-section after a 28 hour labour. This was not the HypnoBirth we had hoped for, however it is still a positive birth story to me and I believe hypnobirthing helped in meeting all the challenges along the way in a positive manner. Amelia was in a back to back position, looking to the side, which caused me a lot of back pain that I wasn't able to breathe through. The normal surge pain was fine, but the back pain remained constant, so after 5 hours in the birthing pool (good start)

Cate and Paul’s Birth Story:

“Quinn arrived at 18h09 on 18/07, after a 45-minute labour and extremely short delivery in the birth pool! He weighs 9lb7oz and he's completely gorgeous. He's feeding really well and very chilled thanks to a great birth. I did loads of yoga moves around the maternity ward and then some relaxation to get things going as had to wait all day for an induction, so when my waters were broken at 5pm I was already 5cm. Didn't really need to be induced! Things moved very quickly and I stayed calm and relaxed with a combination of hypnobirthing relaxation techniques and breathing. My body and baby really seemed to know what to do because as soon as I got in the pool I felt the baby swing into position and he was born four minutes later! I breathed him out without any stress and even the midwives couldn't believe how amazing it was! I'm so pleased I finally got my drug-free water birth (third time lucky!) and we are all settling in at home as a family of 5.” - Cate and Paul - Cheltenham

“My husband and I have just finished our hypnobirthing course with Kerrie. The sessions have been extremely informative and all the additional reading (including book) provided through the course have been fascinating to read as well. We both feel armed with very useful and vital tools to use during the birth process - when that begins! Thank you Kerrie for your guidance and experiences, you have been a great help in making me realise and understand that birthing is a joyous occassion rather than one to fear.” Fran and Max – Malvern, Worcs.

with Kerrie Fleet

Irina and Denis’s Birth Story:

“Apologies, for not being in contact! It's just been so hectic the last few weeks and I completely forgot to let you know that Elizabeth was born on 26 march!  We had a c section as did not have any other option at the end but all went well and we have our baby girl arrived safely! I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your support and help during the course and especially during the day we stayed in hospital! Despite the fact that it all went not the way we planned I believe the hypnobirthing did help to stay relaxed and accept the special circumstances when they come through!” – Irina and Denis - Cheltenham

Really friendly and helpful course which made my birth a beautiful experience.”

Becca and Alex - Cheltenham

“We can’t thank you enough for your support, guidance, advice, wisdom and time.  You have taken us on a journey over the past 5 weeks, we now feel ready to have our baby and that’s thanks to you.” Shelley and James - Gloucester

Shelley and James’s Birth Story:

“Well after a long wait the beautiful Sonny has arrived. 9lb 10, huge and perfect. My waters broke and surges started at midnight and by 11am he was here. Hypnobirthing absolutely got us through to 10 cms and ready to push, unfortunately after some hours I was rushed to delivery needing medical assistance. 

“We've really enjoyed our refresher course with Kerrie: she's a calm, informed Hypnobirthing Practitioner and really cares about helping make birth a wonderful experience for her clients. Highly recommend both hypnobirthing and Kerrie!”  Cate and Paul - Cheltenham


Don't Take My Word For It!

Fantastic experience!

Really looking forward to our special day now, thank you so much Kerrie will miss Wednesdays.”

Tasha and Tim – Cheltenham

“A baby boy, Seth, 9lbs at 4.01am, on Pi day - Brent is super chuffed! 3.14.15 (USA). Hypnobirthing was amazing even in the light of a few special circumstances and Ventouse to end. He has not cried, and has successfully completed his own first latch with some head bobbing! Thank you so much! Xxx”  Charlotte and Brent - Cheltenham

I requested an epidural. From then on we eventually went through pretty much the whole catalogue until her arrival by C-section. However we remained in control of the process and had great midwives that supported and respected our hypnobirthing wishes. It turns out our little baby was pretty stuck down there, not even the obstetrician was able to turn her manually right before the section.

During the birthing I received a lot of positive feedback on my calm and relaxed manner from the midwives and I look back with no hard feelings and lots of happiness about finally being able to hold my little girl in my arms. After the C-section we were able to do immediate skin on skin and her wonderful vernix was left on as requested. I cannot believe that we I did spend 28 hours in labour, it did not feel that long. It was an adventure though, that is for sure :)” Sonja and Andre’ - Cheltenham

“Our baby boy, born 2 months ago, arrived safely after a labour which hugely benefitted from the wonderful breathing and visualisation techniques taught by Kerrie. It was our 2nd child and I was lacking in confidence and a sense of control, the course allowed my husband and I to fully understand all our options and feel better prepared for our baby's arrival. Thank you Kerrie.”

Laura and Tom - Cheltenham

"And also a twice over HypnoBirthing™ Mummy which is why I have such empathy with my mums.  Both my births were amazing and I put it all down to HypnoBirthing".

I really remembered the breathing techniques and used some calming music to keep me relaxed. He was out in about 4/5 pushes and while it wasn't calm or pain free (I must admit I never believed it would be!) the whole thing was a really positive experience and I felt much more in control this time around. I think in hindsight having it started in hospital was a good thing as we didn't have the middle of the night mad panic I had envisaged.

However I did then have the issue of a retained placenta which was well and truly stuck so had to go to theatre to have it removed under spinal block which wasn't pleasant but all sorted now. We got home Monday afternoon and he's feeding well and is being very doted on by his big brothers!

I enjoyed the course and while I remain a little cynical about certain elements of the hypnobirthing philosophy, it certainly was a big help in having a calmer and more in control experience this time around.” - Claire and Olly – Broadway

Fran and Max’s Birth Story:

“Luca Joseph Mainini was born 3rd June weighing 8lb 3oz. We are beginning to find our feet gradually with our new extended family. It's a whole new world!

We ended up at Worcester hospital due to waters breaking on the Friday before and no sign of surges beginning. However, on Monday I had a sweep and further waters were broken by the doctor and the birthing process began, thankfully this meant we avoided an induction! The birth was quite long and tough especially at the end but we put into practice, where I could, the breathing and relaxation you taught us and now here we are with a wonderful 10 day old little boy!” Fran and Max – Malvern, Worcs.

​​​Say Hello!

07837-200-254  • kerrie@calmabirthing.com

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Claire and Olly’s Birth Story:

“We had a little boy, Miles, on Sunday afternoon, 7lb 8oz - a full 2lbs lighter than brother number 2 despite being nearly 2 weeks late.

So despite a couple of sweeps helping me lose my plug nothing happened so I was booked for an induction on Sunday so unfortunately couldn't go to the MW led unit.  When we got there I persuaded them to break my waters (I didn't need a pessary) but let me see if contractions would start on their own rather than putting me on the drip, which they did within an hour.

I started with tens which had to come off for the pool but I had to get out because they needed to monitor his heart rate and the monitor kept falling off! But while the water was great I don't think I could have done the whole thing in the pool as it wasn't that comfy. So got out and on the gas and air and had him about 5 hrs. after first twinges.


He was too big for my pelvis, cord round his neck twice, my surges stopped and I needed some extra hormones to give them a kick start again.  You certainly cannot plan birth. After a little bit of assistance he was happy content and feeding.  We feel so lucky. 

Everything you taught us especially gave me the energy and trust in my body to mentally cope with the last 20 minutes of birthing which could have been so traumatic. Can't wait to introduce you to him!

Love Shelley, James and Sonny xxx”  Shelley and James - Gloucester